EMPR ASS RPT (Palm Springs Property): 18198, 19456, 20614, 20712, 21171, 21249, 23176, 27241, 32243, 34588, * 36311
EMPR FIELDWORK 1991, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2013, 2017
EMPR OF 2005-1
EMPR OF MAP 2006-2
EMPR P 1992-1, p. 521-527; 2004-1, p. 1-18; 2005-1, p. 1-30; 2006-1, p.1-3; 2014-1, p. 111-140; 2018-1, p. 15-38
PR REL Garibaldi Resources Corp. *Feb 28, *Sept 22, *Sept 29, *Nov 16, 2020
GAC MDD SP PUB No. 5, p. 755-791
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