The Bou area is underlain by rock of the Upper Triassic Stuhini Group and Lower Jurassic Hazelton Group. Massive to disseminated mineralization consists of pyrite, chalcopyrite and arsenopyrite. The host rock is predominantly gossanous quartz plagioclase sericite schist. Two rock samples collected on the BOU 2 claim (B035, B037) yielded an anomalous silver value of 15.3 grams per tonne and 10.1 grams per tonne with anomalous arsenic value of up to 0.2 per cent and trace gold (Assessment Report 18326).
In 1988, Bayridge Minerals Corporation, prospected, mapped the Bou, Knip, Irv and Icey claims, collecting a total of 55 rock and 37 silt samples.