In the Maxwell Smart area, a Late Triassic diorite to quartz diorite of the Stikine Plutonic Suite intrudes Upper Triassic Stuhini Group volcaniclastics and sediments.
A 1994, geochemical sampling by Teuton Resources was confined to the southwestern quadrant of the Maxwell Smart claim, mostly along the upper course of Cebuck Creek. This work indicated a sequence of argillites intruded by diabase dikes. The diabase is fine grained, black and contains 1 to 2 per cent fine pyrrhotite mineralization along fractures.
Semi-massive to massive pyrrhotite mineralization in float boulders yielded copper values ranging between 0.13 and 0.38 per cent copper (Assessment Report 23975). A 0.2-metre chip sample from outcrop (AW 249) assayed 40 parts per billion gold, 7.6 grams per tonne silver and 0.79 per cent copper (Assessment Report 23974).
Refer to Max (MINFILE 104B 013) for details of a common property work history.