The Sharp 6 showing area is underlain by rocks of the Upper Paleozoic Stikine Assemblage consisting of a sequence of sandstone, siltstone, argillite with minor chert and quartz-chlorite veins. This sequence is intruded by a small diorite plug to the west and quartz monzonite to the north. The diorite-sedimentary contact on the Sharp 6 claim runs northeast to northwest and has at least one gully like topographic feature, believed to host a fault structure, roughly parallel to it. The sedimentary rocks, which locally are silicified and cut by small quartz veins, can carry up to several percent of disseminated to wispy pyrite and chalcopyrite. They strike about 7 degrees with 40 to 50 degree dips to the northwest.
During 1987 preliminary exploration of the subject area was conducted by Regal Petroleum Ltd and Achilles Resources Ltd but their claims were allowed to lapse. In 1991, a total of 7 rock, 6 silt, 3 soil and 1 panned concentrate sample were taken on behalf of Wiseboy Resources on the Sharp 6 claim where the showing occurs. A further 13 silt, 2 soil, and 3 panned concentrate samples were taken by Wiseboy on the Sharp 1 claim to the north, but no anomalous values were obtained.