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File Created: 29-Jun-2012 by Garry J. Payie (GJP)
Last Edit:  10-Aug-2020 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)

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Name WEST SKY, SKY 4, STU Mining Division Liard
BCGS Map 104B066
Status Showing NTS Map 104B10W
Latitude 056º 40' 00'' UTM 09 (NAD 83)
Longitude 130º 57' 29'' Northing 6282000
Easting 380000
Commodities Gold, Silver, Zinc, Lead Deposit Types I05 : Polymetallic veins Ag-Pb-Zn+/-Au
I02 : Intrusion-related Au pyrrhotite veins
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Stikine
Capsule Geology

The West Sky area is underlain by a sequence of folded and faulted Upper Triassic andesitic volcanic and clastic sedimentary rock units of the Stuhini Group. The sequences of clastic layered rocks consist of volcanic wackes, andesitic flows, and argillite interbeds.

A major northeast-southwest trending lineament crosses the West Zone near an elevation of 1200 metres above sea level. On the south side of this fault is a clast supported pebble conglomerate. Downhill to the north are thinly bedded tuffaceous wackes, argillites and siltstones. Within the West zone, several new quartz veins and one important silicified shear were found in 1990 by Hector Resource within the sedimentary sequence

In 1990, two days were spent prospecting and mapping the West zone area. Previous work from 1987 and 1988 had identified several mineralized quartz veins hosting significant values in gold, silver, copper, lead and zinc.

A silicified shear zone hosting strong pyrite and sphalerite mineralization was found at an elevation of 905 metres. The zone trends approximately 060/60 northwest cross-cutting stratigraphy. Including alteration, the zone attains thicknesses up to 2 metres and continues intermittently for 100 metres. Select grab samples assayed up to 26.19 grams per tonne gold, 353.49 grams per tonne silver and 7.21 per cent zinc (Assessment Report 20656).

Higher upslope, at 1080 metres elevation, a quartz plus/minus ankerite vein/shear is exposed for a strike length of 35 metres. This zone hosts galena, sphalerite and chalcopyrite with unmineralized parts of the vein attaining thicknesses up to 80 centimetres wide. Vein attitudes average 130/60 southwest. Select grab samples assayed up to 0.65 gram per tonne gold, 929.84 grams per tonne silver and 16.90 per cent zinc (Assessment Report 20656).

Refer to Golden Spray (104B 208) for a detailed discussion of work by Hector Resources on the Stu and Sky claims.

EMPR ASS RPT 16678, 18508, *20656, 24727
EMPR EXPL 1987-C380
EMPR OF 1990-16; 1994-1
GSC MAP 9-1957; 311A; 1418A
GSC P 89-1E, pp. 145-154
Burgoyne, A.A. (2012-05-07): Technical Report on The Iskut Property with Special Reference to Johnny Flats & Burnie Trend Targets
EMPR PFD 904788