The More East showing is underlain Devonian to Pennsylvanian Stikine Assemblage intruded by Late Devonian dioritic rock of the Forrest Kerr Plutonic Suite.
Sulphide mineralization is widespread but concentrated in the felsic metavolcanic unit. This unit hosts very fine-grained to fine-grained disseminated and stringer pyrite, possibly stratabound, in amounts up to 15 per cent. Minor amounts of chalcopyrite disseminations and fracture fillings were observed locally. The sulphides appear to display an association with the quartz veinlets and stringers. At one locality, a sample (90T031R-006) of angular quartz vein float, in the east-central portion of the property, contained up to 85 per cent pyrite and 5 per cent chalcopyrite. In the same general area, sericite schist hosting several unmineralized barite veins was observed. These veins range up to 1.5 metres wide and trend parallel to the foliation of the schist. A piece of angular quartz-barite float in this area hosts 10 per cent fine-grained, disseminated pyrite and minor amounts of chalcopyrite. Quartz-barite veining was also noted in the northeast portion of the property.
Observed mafic metavolcanics revealed only local sulphide mineralization. The ankerite altered schist near the intrusive contact in the central portion of the property contains up to 3 per cent pyrite, 1 per cent chalcopyrite and minor amounts of malachite. A sample of altered mafic tuff with copper mineralization assayed 0.12 per cent copper (Sample 90T285LR-012, Assessment Report 21063).
In the northeast part of the property, small gossanous pods with up to 1 per cent pyrite were observed associated with narrow (up to 1 metre) shear zones.
In 1990, Wiseboy Resources Inc collected a total of 13 silt and 28 rock samples.