The oldest rocks in the Egg area are complexly folded and metamorphosed schists and gneisses, and mafic volcanics (basalt) all of Devonian age and belonging to the Stikine Assemblage. These are overlain by Devonian to Permian, white to grey, crystalline limestone and other sedimentary and volcanic rocks, also of the Stikine Assemblage. Regionally, these rocks are overlain by a volcanic and sedimentary sequence of the Upper Triassic Stuhini Group. Late Devonian and Eocene intrusions are mapped in the area
A 1 centimetre quartz-carbonate vein containing 3 per cent coarse, subhedral pyrite crystals and a trace of chalcopyrite as selvages carries 1.5 grams per tonne gold (Sample 22056, Assessment Report 18546).
In November of 1987 a set of orthophotographic maps were prepared to cover the Ret 2 7 claims and a structural interpretation was completed by Pamicon Development on behalf of Northwest Gold Syndicate. An airborne geophysical survey was conducted the same year consisting of 40 kilometers of Airborne magnetics and EM.
In 1988, OreQuest Consultants Ltd conducted an exploration program on the Joy 3, Ret 2-7 and Ver 1-2 claims on behalf of Pezgold Resources Corporation. A total of 474 rock, 1482 soil and 29 silt samples were collected. Work was mainly divided between two grids, one on the Cannonball (104B 346) occurrence and one on the Argent (104B 348) showing.