The KL East showing is underlain by andesitic volcaniclastic rock of the Unuk River unit of the Lower Jurassic Betty Creek Formation, Hazelton Group.
A grab sample from a 2 metre by 2 metre gossanous light green siltstone outcrop with disseminated pyrite cubes (less than 1 millimetre) throughout assayed 0.277 gram per tonne gold, 0.41 gram per tonne silver, and 0.027 per cent arsenic (sample B055315, Assessment Report 37443). The host rock unit is massive with no visible bedding. About 1 to 2 per cent crosscutting quartz veinlets (millimetre width) occur.
In 2017, Pretium Exploration conducted grass roots prospecting, sampling, and mapping on their Bowser property, near Bowser Lake. They collected 2901 rock and 429 silt samples (Assessment Reports 37435, 37443).
In 2018, beyond the Brucejack mine area, Pretium continued to evaluate their surrounding 1250 kilometres of mineral claims. The company completed an 8000 metres drilling program along with mapping and prospecting.
As of September 2019, two drills were testing the high-priority A6 Zone VMS target, 14 kilometres northeast of Brucejack Mine, a third drill targeted a VMS system at the Canoe Zone, and a fourth drill targeted an intrusion related gold system at the Koopa Zone. Drilling earlier in the summer also focused on the Tuck and Lilliane zones, both epithermal gold system targets. To date, approximately 15,300 metres have been drilled, with drilling expected to continue through the end of September (Pretium Resources Inc., News Release, September 16, 2019).
See Betty (104A 008) for details of relevant work done on Pretium's Bowser grassroots exploration project, including significant property-wide geophysical surveys completed prior to 2017.