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File Created: 04-Nov-2019 by Garry J. Payie (GJP)
Last Edit:  07-Nov-2019 by Garry J. Payie (GJP)

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Name BELL, BOWSER, BRUCEJACK Mining Division Skeena
BCGS Map 104A021
Status Showing NTS Map 104A04W
Latitude 056º 14' 28'' UTM 09 (NAD 83)
Longitude 129º 59' 19'' Northing 6233358
Easting 438736
Commodities Copper Deposit Types I06 : Cu+/-Ag quartz veins
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Stikine
Capsule Geology

The Bell showing is underlain by Hazelton Group rock consisting of Lower Jurassic Betty Creek Formation volcaniclastic rocks and Middle to Upper Jurassic calc-alkaline volcanic rocks of the Mount Dilworth Formation.

Forty-four samples were collected from the Lamb, Hammer and Bell areas. Sample B067574, collected from the Bell area, consisted of maroon volcaniclastic rock with patchy malachite on fracture surfaces and assayed 0.176 per cent copper (Assessment Report 37435). The remaining samples were not anomalous in precious or base metals.

Work History

In 2015, Pretium expanded the magnetometer and radiometric survey area to the east and south, as well as infilled specific block areas to 200 meter line spacing. A total of 1,139 kilometres of magnetics and radiometrics were completed. In 2015, the proposed 2014 1TEM survey blocks were also completed, and the 1TEM survey grid was extended to match the area covered by the 2015 magnetometer and radiometric grids, totaling 3,402 1TEM line kilometers flown that year. Follow-up work was to focus on areas where the resistivity and conductivity indicate alteration, and the conductive anomalies might indicate a massive sulphide bodies.

In 2016, Pretium Exploration iniatiated 4 kilometre Magnetotelluric (MT) line starting in the Canoe Glacier valley, crossing over the toe of the Knipple Glacier, continuing on to Scott Creek. A Direct Current Induced Polarization (DCIP) was also completed, focusing on the Salmon River Quock Member sediments and the underlying volcanics at the Kirkham, Pipe Dream, Knipple Lake, and Cone zones. Ten DCIP lines, covering 23.5 kilometres with 19 MT sites, as well as 26 MT stations covering the Bowser Valley were completed. In order to expand the structural and lithological interpretation at KL Gossan and KL East Zones, where outcrop exposure was minimal, 24 more MT sites were surveyed. The results of this 2016 work included the identification of 55 zones of interest related to resolved anomalies over Cone Zone (5), Kirkham (18), Pipe Dream (21), regional MT Transect line (5) and Bowser infill MT area (6) (see Assessment Report 36790 forfurther information).

In 2016, Precision GeoSurveys Inc, on behalf of Pretium Exploration, completed a 1,400 line kilometer airborne magnetic and radiometric survey on the Bowser Property. The survey covered the southern end of the Bowser Property, as an irregular 24.7 by 23 kilometre block, with 200 meter line-spacing, flown north-south, and 2 kilometres tie lines. The purpose of the survey was to complete the magnetometer and radiometrics coverage over the entire Bowser Property claim area, as the northern extents of the property had previously been flown in 2014 and 2015. See Assessment Report 36793, Appendix III for Precision's,"Airborne Geophysical Survey Report", including 2014-2016 magnetic and radiometric maps.

In 2017, Pretium Exploration conducted grass roots prospecting, sampling and mapping on their Bowser property, mostly southwest and south of Bowser Lake. They collected 2901 rock and 429 silt samples.

EMPR ASS RPT 14660, 20256, 36790, 36793, *37435, 37443
EMPR EXPL 1984-385
EMPR FIELDWORK 1983, pp. 149-164; 1984, pp. 316-341; 1985, pp. 217-224; 1986, pp. 81-102
EMPR OF 1987-22
GSC MAP 9-1957; 307A; 315A; 1418A
GSC P 89-1E, pp. 145-154
PR REL Pretium Resoucres Inc. Dec.5, 2017; Dec.6, 2018; Jun.9, Sep.16, 2019