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File Created: 28-Oct-1991 by William (Bill) Coombe (WC)
Last Edit:  27-Mar-2022 by Nicole Barlow (NB)

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Name LESLEY M. (L. 3838), LESLEY M, LESLIE, BUSH Mining Division Skeena
BCGS Map 104B010
Status Prospect NTS Map 104B01E
Latitude 056º 03' 56'' UTM 09 (NAD 83)
Longitude 129º 59' 55'' Northing 6213825
Easting 437825
Commodities Silver Deposit Types I05 : Polymetallic veins Ag-Pb-Zn+/-Au
Tectonic Belt Insular Terrane Stikine
Capsule Geology

The Lesley M. prospect is located on the northwest bank of Lesley (Cooper) Creek about 1.7 kilometres above the confluence with Cascade Creek, approximately 4.0 kilometres south of the south end of Long Lake, 15 kilometres north of Stewart.

The area is underlain by Lower Jurassic Unuk River Formation (Hazelton Group) rocks (Open File 1987-22). These rocks, striking mainly north to northeast, comprise predominantly andesitic tuffs and breccias with, in places, intercalated hematitic sediment lenses. Northwest trending porphyritic granodiorite dikes (Premier Porphyry dikes) and north trending lamprophyre dikes occur in the area (Bulletin 58).

The No. 4 (upper) and No. 3 (lower) tunnels were driven on a 0.7 to 1.2 metre wide vein which strikes 010 degrees and dips 45 degrees west (Bulletin 58, Figure 52). Few details are available on the mineralization. The vein apparently lies in a 28 metre wide shear zone that also strikes 010 degrees and dips 45 degrees west. The zone is more altered, silicified and mineralized on the hangingwall and footwall sides. Randomly oriented stringers of mainly argentite occur across widths of about 1.8 metres on the hangingwall and footwall. Stringers of massive sulphide, 2 to 5 centimetres wide, locally mark the hangingwall. The central portion of the zone, about 24 metres wide, is pyritic but contains few argentite stringers. Samples across the vein in the No. 4 tunnel assayed up to 210.9 grams per tonne silver and trace gold across 0.7 metre (Bulletin 58, Figure 52).

The No. 2 tunnel, about 205 metres west of the No. 4 tunnel, was driven on north-northeast and east-northeast trending veins. The best sample assayed 519.1 grams per tonne silver and trace gold across 0.2 metre (Bulletin 58, Figure 52).

In 1918, Bush Mines Limited held the Leslie claim group. The following year three tunnels (Nos. 2, 3 and 4) were emplaced. In 1925, National Silver Mines Ltd. took over the development of the property and carried out some drilling (9 holes totalling 888 metres?). That year, Sebakwe and District Mines acquired control of the property. Subsequently, Selukwe Gold Mining and Finance Company gained control of Sebakwe. Sebakwe carried out further drifting and crosscutting in 1928. In 1936, Sebakwe was amalgamated with Premier Gold Mining Co. Ltd. and B.C. Silver Mines Ltd. to form Silbak Premier Mines Limited. No further work has been reported on the prospect since the 1920s.

EMPR AR 1915-71; 1917-84; 1918-81; *1919-75; 1922-83; 1923-81; 1925-107; 1926-98; 1927-98; 1928-112
EMPR ASS RPT 20379, 21993
EMPR BULL *58 (Figs. 39, 41 and 52); 63; 85
EMPR OF 1987-22; 1994-14
GSC MAP *216A; *217A; 307A; *315A; 1829; 9-1957; 1418A
GSC MEM 175, p. 168
GSC OF 2582; 2779
Christopher, P.A. (2009-08-03): Technical Report on the Premier Gold Project
Kirkham, G. (2012-06-18): Technical Report on the Resource Estimate for the Premier Gold Property
Kirkham, G. (2012-08-20): Revised Technical Report on the Resource Estimate for the Premier Gold Property
Puritch, E. (2013-03-27): Technical Report and Resource Estimate for the Big Missouri and Martha Ellen Deposits, Premier Gold Property
Rennie, D.W. (2018-06-22): Technical Report on the Premier-Dilworth Project
Bird, S.C., Meintjes, T. (2020-02-28): Resource Estimate Update for the Premier Gold Project, Stewart, British Columbia, Canada
Ascot Resources Limited (2020-05-22): Premier & Red Mountain Gold Project Feasibility Study NI 43-101 Technical Report, British Columbia