The Lakeshore (Lot 4176) showing is located about 450 metres south of the south end of Monitor Lake, a small lake approximately 500 metres south of Long Lake, 16 kilometres north of Stewart.
The area is underlain by Hazelton Group rocks of the Lower to Middle Jurassic Mount Dilworth Formation and overlying Middle-Upper Jurassic Salmon River Formation (Open File 1987-22). These rocks lie on the crumpled west limb of the north-northwest trending Dilworth syncline.
Mineralization is hosted in east-southeast striking, south dipping intercalated felsic tuff and breccia and black dacitic lapilli tuff of the Mount Dilworth Formation (Assessment Report 7640). Conspicuous faults trend mainly north-northwest to northeast.
In a trench, immediately above an adit, a quartz breccia vein striking 300 degrees and dipping 35 degrees southwest contains pyrite, galena, tetrahedrite and minor sphalerite and chalcopyrite. The vein strikes parallel to bedding but dips in the opposite direction. A chip sample from the trench assayed 270.2 grams per tonne silver, 0.1 gram per tonne gold, 3.4 per cent zinc, 3.5 per cent lead, 1.1 per cent copper and 0.08 per cent cadmium across 1.5 metres (Assessment Report 7640). In the adit, disseminated pyrite and minor tetrahedrite occur in grey siliceous dolomite.
In 1927, Bush Consolidated Gold Mines Ltd. consolidated several claims and claim groups in the area south of Long Lake including the Monitor group (which included the Lakeshore claim). Little work was reported but an adit was likely driven at this time. In 1962, New Indian Mines Ltd. conducted geological mapping in the area, including the Lakeshore claim. The following year this company drilled five holes (totalling 396 metres) and resampled showings on the Lakeshore claim; results of this work are not known. In 1979, Ocean Home Explorations Ltd. carried out further geological mapping and sampling on the Lakeshore claim, then part of the Slate group. Esso Resources acquired the claim from Houston Oil and Minerals in 1982. In 1987, Claimer Resources Inc. entered into an option agreement with Esso. In 1992, an exploration program was carried out on the Shure property on behalf of Homestake Canada Ltd. The Shure property covers the Daly-Sullivan (104A 073), Lakeshore (104A 092), Bush (104A 097) and Start (104A 138) showings. Work included drill testing the Rama Vein (104A 097) in addition to a ground resistivity, induced polarization and magnetometer survey over the Rama Vein and adjacent showings. Seven diamond-drill holes were completed totalling 674.5 metres; six holes were on the Rama Vein and one on the Gully Stockwork (104A 097). In total, 10.6 kilometres of induced polarization/resistivity survey and 13.3 kilometres of magnetic survey were completed.