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File Created: 20-May-1986 by Eileen Van der Flier Keller (EVFK)
Last Edit:  11-Jun-2020 by George Owsiacki (GO)

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Name DAVE-UPPER CURRIER, GROUNDHOG Mining Division Omineca, Skeena
BCGS Map 104A088
Status Prospect NTS Map 104A16W
Latitude 056º 50' 54'' UTM 09 (NAD 83)
Longitude 128º 27' 37'' Northing 6300633
Easting 532920
Commodities Coal Deposit Types A05 : Anthracite
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Overlap Assemblage
Capsule Geology

The Dave-Upper Currier occurrence comprises multiple coal seams in the upper reaches of Dave Creek and on Coal Licence 815 approximately 2.5 kilometres west of Dave Creek and 2 kilometres north of Currier Creek, about 138 kilometres northeast of the community of Stewart.

The Dave-Upper Currier occurrence comprises part of the southern Groundhog coalfield. The coalfield is an oblong (30 by 80 kilometres) area extending to the southeast from the headwaters of the Klappan and Little Klappan rivers to Groundhog Mountain. Refer to the Discovery deposit (104A 078), located 10 kilometres east, for an overview of the exploration history, regional geology and local geology of the Groundhog coalfield.

The coal seams form part of the Lower Cretaceous Currier Formation (Bowser Lake Group, Groundhog-Gunanoot assemblage) comprising mudstone, carbonaceous shale and sandstone. Five seams in Dave Creek and six seams in a small gully above Currier Creek have been documented (Geological Survey of Canada Bulletin 16). At Dave Creek, seam thicknesses vary from 1.5 to 3.2 metres. Clean coal (exclusive of shale layers or partings) may account for upwards of 2.3 metres in the thickest seams. The seams have a general strike of 316 degrees and dip 55 degrees southwest. A sample of Dave Creek No. 3 seam gave the following coal quality results (Coal Assessment Report 100):


Fixed Carbon 82.04

Ash Content 5.19

Volatile Matter 11.45

Moisture 1.32

Sulphur Content 0.50

Calorific Value 7319


The above values are based on a 1.58 specific gravity float separation and are in per cent except for calorific value which is in calories per gram. The coal is anthracite rank.

EMPR COAL ASS RPT 96, 97, *98, 100
EMPR FIELDWORK 1984, pp. 342-351; 1985, pp. 225-229; *1989, pp. 473-477; *1990, 415-418
EMPR P 1986-5, pp. 19-21
EMPR OF 1987-22; 1994-14
EMPR PFD 812623, 680663
GSC OF 2582; 2779
GSC P 79-1B, pp. 411-414; 88-1E, pp. 91-96; 89-1E, pp. 133-138
CSPG BULL Vol. 31, No. 4, pp. 231-245
*Bustin, R.M. (1984): Coalification levels and their significance in the Groundhog coalfield, North-Central British Columbia, International Journal of Coal Geology, Vol. 4, Issue 1, July 1984, pp. 21-44
*MacLeod S.E. and Hills, L.V. (1990): Conformable Late Jurassic (Oxfordian) to Early Cretaceous Strata, Northern Bowser Basin, British Columbia: A Sedimentological and Paleontological Model; Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, Vol. 27, pp. 988-998