The Glory 2 occurrence is located at the toe of a glacier tongue near the south end of the Cambria Icefield, 22 kilometres southeast of Stewart, B.C.
The showing is underlain by intrusive rocks of the Eocene Coast Plutonic Complex consisting of medium to coarse-grained granodiorite to diorite. The intrusive rocks of the Bulldog Creek Pluton are commonly epidote and chlorite altered.
In 2018 an airborne magnetometer survey was flown over Tenajon/Sunvest Minerals' Clone property, including the Glory Zone. The Glory Zone, which includes the Glory occurrence and the newly discovered Glory 2 occurrence, is situated in a prominent magnetic low anomaly with two magnetic high anomalies on either side. Strong copper and elevated gold and silver results could be associated with these two magnetic high anomalies on either side of the Zone. 2018 rock sampling at Glory 2 returned strongly anomalous results for copper with the majority of the 14 samples assaying greater than 0.1 per cent copper and having the five best copper samples from the 2018 rock sampling program with assays ranging from 2.00 to 6.45 per cent copper. Silver results were also very strong with half the 14 samples assaying greater than 40.0 grams per tonne Ag with two of those samples assaying greater than 100 grams per tonne Ag. Rock samples at Glory 2 also returned elevated results for gold and cobalt with half the samples assaying greater than 100 parts per billion Au and greater than 20 parts per million Co. (Assessment Report 38189).