The Red 62 occurrence is located along the eastern edge of the extensive Cambria Icefield, overlooking the headwaters of South Willoughby Creek, about 27 kilometres east of Stewart.
The showing area is underlain by Jurassic Hazelton Group argillites to the east in contact with andesitic volcanics to the west. Feldspar porphyry intrusive rocks as dikes, sills and/or small stocks appear to be terminated to the east by a thrust fault. East of the fault, bright orange weathering, pervasive carbonate-altered volcanics are present. The argillite consists of a thinly bedded sequence, fossiliferous and pyritiferous with conglomerate and limestone interbeds. Pyrite occurs as coarse seams along bedding in amounts as high as 1-15 per cent locally. Weathering of the argillites forms very distinct, bright red-brown gossans.
In the area of the gossans, numerous carbonate-quartz zones are present as discontinuous stockworks, lenses and pods. Zones may be 2-4 metres wide consisting of branching stringers along lengths of up to 50 metres. Barren quartz stringers parallel to the stockworks and silicified wallrock are common. Some of the zones consist of grey brecciated rock with 30-40 per cent quartz veinlets containing sparse pyrite and chalcopyrite with traces of malachite. Other zones consist of siliceous brecciated argillite cemented by quartz-carbonate filling voids and containing up to 5 per cent coarse pyrite. West of the argillite, weakly sericite altered schistose volcanic agglomerates and black schistose tuffs contain coarse pyrite along fractures.
Mineralization was located in bedrock in one area just below the ridge top on the Red 62 claim. It consists of a discontinuous carbonate-altered zone along the contact of argillites and volcanics with narrow quartz stringers. Coarse crystalline galena, minor sphalerite and pyrite as well as hydrozincite stain are present in some of the stringers. Overall dimensions of the sulphide-bearing area is 5 by 15 metres. A grab sample (ERK-392) from sub-outcrop of very vuggy quartz with coarse pyrite and chalcopyrite in seams analyzed 2.95 grams per tonne gold, 53.8 grams per tonne silver, 0.59 per cent copper, 0.27 per cent lead and 0.89 per cent zinc (Assessment Report 23943).
From the middle of the Red 62 claim to its eastern boundary, a large carbonate alteration zone is present with discontinuous quartz-carbonate stringers noted throughout the altered, generally chloritic rocks. Local, weak malachite stains are present in the above rocks. This zone is part of a huge alteration system that extends into the Willoughby Creek area, 5 kilometres to the north. In the Willoughby Creek area, gold mineralization is associated with galena, sphalerite, pyrite and chalcopyrite in a quartz stockwork within a carbonate-altered intrusion.
In 1994, work by Teuton Resources Corp. on the Red 57 and 61-64 claims was part of a larger program covering several Stewart area properties. Altogether, 180 reconnaissance rock samples were taken during the program.