The Last Shot occurrence is located 7.8 kilometres north-northwest of Stewart, east of Salmon River, 1.25 kilometres north of the summit of Mountain View.
The area is underlain by the Early Jurassic Texas Creek Plutonic Suite consisting of granodiorite cut by a northwest striking mylonite shear zone known as the Lindeborg shear zone. Two quartz veins are exposed and strike northwest at the Last Shot showing. One vein has been traced by surface exposures, pits and opencuts for 182 metres and a vertical distance of 22 metres. The vein strikes 300 degrees and dips 45 degrees northeast. At its southeast end, it is a couple of centimetres wide and contains disseminated sulphides; continuing along strike for 10 metres the vein widens to 45 centimetres and contains inclusions of country rock and four metres further is 3.6 metres wide in the face of a bluff. A shoot of almost solid sulphide 20 to 45 centimetres wide is exposed for a length of 9 metres in the footwall. The sulphides consist of galena, pyrite, sphalerite, pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite. Microscopic examination indicates that tetrahedrite and freibergite are also present.
A crosscut adit 7.6 metres long had been driven just below the surface outcrop of the vein. At the face of the adit, the quartz vein passes downward into a series of stringer veins with the mineralized sulphide shoot persisting. A channel sample across 66 centimetres of sulphide assayed 387.36 grams per tonne silver, 6.2 per cent lead, 4.85 per cent copper and 2.74 grams per tonne gold (United States Geological Survey Bulletin 1024-F). Scattered grains of scheelite occur through 0.9 metre of the hangingwall adjacent to the sulphide vein. For 1.5 metres beneath the vein at the portal, many narrow reticulating quartz veins enclose pyritic and locally schistose granodiorite fragments.
To the northwest of the adit, two small pits expose a 91 centimetre quartz vein with sparse disseminated sulphides. A large quartz vein 3 to 4.5 metres wide, striking 350 degrees and dipping steeply west is exposed 30 metres below the adit. A small pocket of mineralized quartz is evident in the footwall.