The area is dominated by a north trending continuous Mesozoic and/or Paleozoic cherty sediment horizon. To the east, are inter- calated rhyolite and dacite crystal and crystal lapilli tuffs and volcanogenic sediments with chlorite, sericite and epidote altera- tion. Above these are a thick (130 metres) massive rhyolite unit and a massive pyroxene porphyry. To the west, lie diorite and pyroxene porphyry.
A horizon of the pyritic cherty sediment assayed 0.14 per cent zinc. Two hundred metres to the east of the chert horizon, chalco- pyrite in quartz veins within crystal tuffs assayed 0.09 per cent copper and 1.0 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 12777). These veins also contain malachite, cuprite and kaolinite and have sericite-pyrite alteration envelopes.