The NAR 44SW occurrence occurs in the upper ridge area, 540 metres southwest of Newtown Creek in a drainage draw, 9.5 kilometres northeast of Terrace.
High grade molybdenum samples collected in 2012, E5394926-31 (113 to 6,990 parts per million), collected 540 metres to the southwest from the Nar 44 showing indicate the flat lying quartz sericite vein mineralization extends at least this far.
A significant concept derived from 2017 exploration work is that a fourth intrusive granite is the source and maybe host to the molybdenite mineralization. This granite is strongly altered in at least one area to an almost wholly orthoclase feldspar rock that is highly fractured and mineralized with molybdenite both in regular fracture planes and in shattered irregular breccias or close fractures.
In 2012, a late summer work program by Arrowstar Resources Ltd. comprised rock sampling (43), mapping and general reconnaissance. Field exploration was successful in the discovery of NAR 44SW, where six samples (E5394926-31) returned values of 0.011 to 0.699 per cent Mo (Assessment Report 33542).
Exploration work done in 2013 showed that the molybdenum soil anomalies on the lower slopes were transported soils lying on fresh unmineralized intrusive bedrock.
In 2015, Barkley Resources Ltd. completed four geochemical soil sampling traverses and mapping. Further mapping and prospecting work was conducted in 2017.
Refer to NAR 44 (103I 034) for history and geology of the Kshish property area.