Bibliography |
EMPR AR 1922-47-49; 1923-48; 1924-48; 1925-69; 1926-74; 1927-63; 1928-422; 1930-74; 1940-53; 1941-41,42; 1945-52
EMPR EXPL 1980-397; 1984-377; 1987-C359; *2003-12,13; *2004-32,33
EMPR P 2005-1 pp 67-82; 2006-1 pp 109-115
EMPR PF (*Collins, D.A. and Arnold, R.R. (1987): Report on the Kalum Lake Property, in Statement of Material Facts #31/88 for Terracamp Developments Ltd., Apr. 25, 1988; *Cavey, G. and Chapman, J. (1987): Report on the 1987 Drilling Program for the Kalum Lake Claims, in Prospectus for Terracamp Developments Ltd., Jul. 22 , 1987; Statement of Material Facts #52/88 for Terracamp Developments Ltd., Jun. 15, 1988)
EMPR PFD 902822, 17997, 17998, 17999, 18000, 18001, 884463, 884464, 884465, 884466, 884467, 801367, 801365, 670999, 521640
GSC MAP 11-1956; 278A; 1136A; 1385A
GSC MEM *205, pp.15-17; 329, p. 75
GSC P 36-17, p. 22-24; 36-20, p. 31
GSC SUM RPT 1923A, p. 42
GCNL #214, 1985; #174, 1987
PR REL Eagle Plains Resources Ltd., Feb.20, Mar.24, Jun.4, Aug.19, Sept.*30, 2003; Dec.12, 2004; Aug.5, 2005; Jan.18, 2006; Nov.4, 2009; Mountain Capital Inc., Dec.12, 2008; Windstorm Resources Inc., Oct.8, 2010
*Daignault, P.M., Sharp, R.J. (2007-12-27): 2007 Exploration and Geological Report for the Kalum Property
Lefebure D., P.Geo, 2016. Technical report for Gold Fountain Resources Inc., Sept. 4, 2016
Murton, J.W. (2009-11-20): 2009 Exploration and Geological Report for the Kalum Property
Hutter, J.M. (2012-02-22): Technical Report for the Kalum Property