EMPR AR 1914-118,119,120; 1962-15; 1963-23,24; 1964-48; *1965-71,72
EMPR GEM 1973-486
EMPR MAP 69-1; 8
EMPR OF 2006-3, 2007-4, 2008-3
EMPR PAPER 2009-01 pp.7-20
EMPR PF (*Rpts. by James, D.H. (1963); Bell, T. (1963); Campbell, D.D. (1964); Map by J. Willman, Feb. 1929)
EMPR PF Placer Dome (Unknown (1990): Field notes on Northwest claims, Copper River area; Unknown: Claim map of the Northwest Group)
EMR MIN BULL MR 181, p. 231; 223 B.C. 291
EMR MP CORPFILE (The Premier Border Gold Mining Company Limited; The Cariboo Gold Quartz Mining Company Limited; Purdex Minerals Limited; Treasure Mountain Copper Limited; Metron Exploration Limited; Spectroair Explorations Limited; Copper River Exploration Company, Limited)
GBC RPT 2008-11
GSC MAP 11-1956; 278A; 1136A; 1385A
CIM Spec. Vol.15, 1976, Map B
GCNL #47, 1973
PR REL Trade Winds Ventures Inc., May 16, 2005; Nov.*19, 2008
Sadlier-Brown, T. (1972): Statement of Material Facts for Spectroair Explorations Ltd., June 16, 1973