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File Created: 23-May-2021 by Del Ferguson (DF)
Last Edit:  25-May-2021 by Del Ferguson (DF)

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Name EPIDOTE 2 Mining Division Omineca
BCGS Map 103I060
Status Showing NTS Map 103I09E
Latitude 054º 32' 11'' UTM 09 (NAD 83)
Longitude 128º 01' 22'' Northing 6043651
Easting 563223
Commodities Copper, Silver, Gold Deposit Types I06 : Cu+/-Ag quartz veins
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Stikine
Capsule Geology

The Epidote 2 showing, discovered in 2018, is on an upper ridge side 1 kilometre northeast of of Treasure Mountain peak, in the headwaters of Mattock Creek, approximately 37.5 kilometres east of Terrace, B.C.

The Epidote 2 showing is within a greater than 14 kilometre north trending zone of copper+/-silver mineralization extending from Clore River valley to Kleanza River valley.

Twelve grab samples (KMT-1893 to 18104) were taken from several thin quartz-carbonate-epidote veins and fracture zones containing up to 3 per cent of combined bornite and chalcocite. They assayed up to 2.87 per cent Cu, 76.7 grams per tonne Ag and 1.63 grams per tonne gold. A float of carbonate vein with copper mineralization (sample A18-59) derived from this zone assayed 13.6 per cent copper and 218 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 37602).

EMPR AR 1914-121,122,Map-P120; 1930-136
EMPR ASS RPT 28304, 29726, 30780, 33288, 37213, *37602
EMPR OF 2006-3, 2007-4, 2008-3
EMPR PAPER 2009-01 pp.7-20
EMPR PF (Map 1929; Map by J. Willman, Feb. 1929)
EMR MP CORPFILE (Glen Copper Mines Limited)
GBC RPT 2008-11
GSC MAP 278A; 11-1956; 1136A; 1385A