The Hugin 1 occurrence is located in the head waters of Gosling Creek, at an elevation of approximately 1260 metres.
The area is underlain by Lower Jurassic volcanics of the Hazelton Group and Upper Jurassic sediments of the Bowser Lake Group. The strata are comprised of laminated argillites, bedded tuffs and interbedded andesite flows.
Locally, a fractured gossanous zone between a quartz-feldspar intrusive and meta-sediments hosts quartz veins with massive, up to 5 to 10 centimetres wide, sulphides. The sulphide mineralization consists of pyrite, arsenopyrite, galena and scorodite. The mineralized fracture zone is reported to be 65 metres wide by 175 metres long and open at both ends (Assessment Report 27020).
In 1996, a chip sample (H2) assayed 2.68 grams per tonne gold (Assessment Report 24688). In 2000, a sample (H94) assayed 1.29 grams per tonne gold, 222.0 grams per tonne silver, 8.10 per cent lead and 1.73 per cent zinc (Assessment Report 26430). In 2002, a sample (H112) assayed 2.69 grams per tonne gold, 42.5 grams per tonne silver, 1.31 per cent lead and 2.71 per cent zinc (Assessment Report 27020).
During 1996 through 2002, the area was prospected as Hugin 1-4 claims. This work included geological mapping, geochemical sampling and 2.6 line-kilometres of ground electromagnetic surveys.