Pelitic schists and gneisses of uncertain age and affiliation occur in abundance as inliers and adjacent to granitic plutons in the Prince Rupert-Skeena River-Douglas Channel-Hectate Strait area, north- western British Columbia. The Central Gneiss Complex of the Prince Rupert-Skeena map area contains layers of biotite-garnet-sillimanite- muscovite gneisses 30 to 300 metres thick in the area south of Mount Ponder and southeast of Redcap Mountain, the area northeast of Kwina- mass Peak and north of the headwaters of the the Kateen River (Area 1, Figure 9, Open File 1988-26). Within this zone sillimanite forms up to 50 per cent of the rock and garnets up to 0.75 centimetres in diameter form an additional 15 to 20 per cent (Geological Survey of Canada, Memoir 394).