Light coloured granodiorite and intrusive leucogranite of the Upper Cretaceous to Early Tertiary age Coast Plutonic Complex are cut by quartz veins and aplite, diorite, and diabase dykes. Alteration minerals such as pyrite, limonite, hematite, kaolinite and chlorite are widespread, particularily within the granodiorite.
The quartz veins are mineralized with varying amounts of specu- lar hematite, magnetite, pyrite, and lesser amounts of disseminated chalcopyrite and molybdenite. A 5 metre wide quartz vein, cutting granodiorite, assayed 0.44 per cent copper, 0.07 per cent molybdenum, and 7.2 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 10625). One kilo- metre north northeast of the main quartz vein is an 800 metre by 800 metre primary dispersion halo underlain by the leucogranite, with rock chip values up to 0.06 per cent molybdenum and 0.025 per cent copper (Assessment Reports 9387, 10625).