The Lead King showing is in an east-facing cirque, part of the headwaters of Eight Mile Creek, a tributary to Zymoetz River. The location is 15 kilometres southeast of Terrace, B.C.
Granodiorite of the Cretaceous to Tertiary Coast Plutonic Complex includes small roof pendants of Paleozoic age volcanic rocks cut by a 0.6 metre wide quartz vein. The vein, striking 135 degrees for 20 metres, and dipping 45 degrees southwest, is mineralized with galena, pyrite, sphalerite and minor arsenopyrite and chalcopyrite. A selected sample assayed 737.1 grams per tonne silver, 34 per cent lead, 0.5 per cent zinc and 5.5 grams per tonne gold (Minister of Mines Annual Report 1927).
In 2017, J. Morton collected three samples from large boulders on the floor of the Lead King basin that returned assays from 0.29 to 1.05 grams per tonne Au, 1.3 to 14.8 grams per tonne Ag and anomalous copper values (see Lead King East Minfile).