Meta-rhyolite of probable Permian age is cut by a 1.5 metre wide basic dyke. A 1 metre east trending shear zone occurs on the hangingwall side of the dyke. The shear contains a 15 to 90 centi- metre quartz vein with disseminated chalcopyrite, galena, sphalerite and magnetite. A 90 centimetre sample assayed trace gold, 55 grams per tonne silver, and 1.5 per cent copper and a selected sample assayed 1.4 grams per tonne gold, 233 grams per tonne silver, 7.1 per cent copper and 14 per cent lead (Minister of Mines Annual Report 1919).
A nearby showing called "Big Lead" contained chalcopyrite, minor bornite and galena in a basic dyke and metavolcanics.