The area is underlain by granodioritic stocks which are part of the Cretaceous to Tertiary Coast Plutonic Complex. Mineralized quartz veins occur in quartz diorite near its contact with a granite- quartz monzonite. The veins are one to 100 centimetres in width and strike 130 degrees to 160 degrees with a 45 degree to 60 degree north dip. Mafic and felsic dykes cut the granitic rocks and the quartz vein system.
Molybdenite and pyrite occurs along the margins of the quartz veins and less abundantly as disseminations in the quartz. A 6 metre sample containing about 5 mineralized veins assayed 0.039 per cent molybdenite (Assessment Report 9595). Sericite forms an envelope around the quartz veins with the molybdenite.