The Gold Star claims are located on Kitselas Mountain, three kilometres southwest of Usk. The claims were originally staked and developed by New Gold Star Mines Limited in the late 1960s.
Kitselas Mountain is underlain by volcanics and metavolcanics of probable Permian age. The metavolcanics, derived from rhyodacite crystal-lithic tuffs and fragmental tuffs, are cut by basic dykes. The volcanics, consisting of massive basalts and basaltic andesites, apparently unconformably overlie the metavolcanics. The rocks are complexly folded and cut by a northwest striking fault. Northeast of the fault is a 600 by 450 metre mineralized area containing bornite and chalcopyrite as fracture fills and disseminations in the metavolcanics.
In the A zone, mineralization is confined to closely spaced northeast and northwest vertical fractures and shear planes. Channel samples of average width 1.2 metres taken every 3.0 metres over a length of 31 metres assayed 1.07 per cent copper and 27.4 grams per tonne silver. A 6.7 metre chip sample, 85 metres to the east, assayed 1.33 per cent copper and 3.4 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 2365). The A zone is about 30 metres wide with an east-west strike length of 85 metres and a vertical expression of 45 metres.
In the B zone, 250 metres southwest of the A zone, disseminated bornite and chalcopyrite occurs along the margins of, and adjacent to basic dykes. Chip sampling over 26.5 metres assayed 0.51 per cent copper and 27.4 grams per tonne silver. Channel samples in the lower B zone assayed 0.02 per cent copper and 41.1 grams per tonne silver over 1.4 metres and 0.02 per cent copper and 6.9 grams per tonne silver over 1.7 metres (Assessment Report 2365).
In the C zone, 500 metres west-southwest of the A zone, minor chalcopyrite occurs in metarhyolites adjacent to basic dikes. A 4.6 chip sample assayed 0.08 per cent copper and 13.7 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 2365).
The K to M zones, 650 metres south of the A zone, occurs in a felsite rock, which represents bleaching and pyritization of the finer grained grey crystal tuffs adjacent to the major northwest fault zone. A 3 metre sample assayed 0.47 per cent copper and 10.3 grams per tonne silver in one zone (Property File: White, 1970).