The area is underlain by andesite and andesite feldspar porphyry of the Jurassic Hazelton Group and is intruded by granodiorite dykes and sills of the Cretaceous to Tertiary Coast Plutonic Complex. The volcanics are cut by faults, shears, and quartz veins, which contain fracture fills, disseminations, and blebs of chalcopyrite, pyrite, bornite, and minor chalcocite. The mineralization is usually close to, or associated with the granodiorite.
The main vein strikes 065 degrees for 40 metres and dips 65 degrees to the northwest. It is 5.5 to 8.2 metres wide and a 76 centimetre wide sample assayed 11.7 grams per tonne gold, 37.7 grams per tonne silver and 1.0 per cent copper (Minister of Mines Annual Report 1928). The mineralized zones are mainly exposed in north trending streams over an area measuring 600 by 300 metres.