Andesite and andesite feldspar porphyry of the Jurassic Hazelton Group are intruded by granodiorite dykes and sills of the Cretaceous to Tertiary Coast Plutonic Complex. The volcanics are cut by faults, shears, and quartz veins, which contain fracture fills, dissemina- tions, and blebs of chalcocite and bornite and copper staining (malachite). Occasional specks of free gold occur.
The main vein strikes north for 12 metres, adjacent a fault, and dips 35 degrees west. It is about 1 metre wide and a 1.4 kilogram sample assayed 9.6 grams per tonne gold, 150.9 grams per tonne silver and 4.6 per cent copper (Geological Survey of Canada Memoir 205). Other veins are exposed in creek beds over an area measuring 300 by 150 metres.