The Sable is a dimension stone prospect located around Barnard Harbour on Princess Royal Island.
The stone is melanocratic anorthosite, a minor phase of the Mesozoic Coast Plutonic Complex, and is marketed as 'black granite'. The target anorthosite is too minor to appear on the 1:250,000 scale map of Roddick (Geological Survey of Canada MAP 23- 1970); it falls within an area mapped as gabbro-diorite migmatite complex. Mineralogy of the anorthosite is fresh albite, anorthite, hypersthene, diopside, minor olivine and orthoclase, and accessory magnetite, ilmenite and apatite.
Locally, two zones of rock with favourable attributes (low fracture and joint density, quarryability, attractive texture, and absence of inclusions) were identified. The target rock, when broken, has a fresh sparkly black appearance with white speckles. The material polishes to dark black with a greenish hue. Samples were submitted for testing, and met the physical requirements as prescribed in ASTM C615 'Standard Specifications for Granitic Dimension Stone' for: Absorption and Density, Compressive Strength, Flexural Strength, and Modulus of Rupture.
The Sable 3-12 claims were staked and prospected in 1989 by A. Karup and F. Ayres while they were investigating a high magnetic anomaly. Samples were taken and polished for promotional material. They contracted Granitic Contacts in 1992 to evaluate the potential of the claims as a dimension stone property. The Sable III to IX claims were held in good standing until the end of February 2001 by Frank Ayres of Anaheim Lake and Anthony Karup of Bella Coola.