In the Douglas Channel-Kitkiata area south of Prince Rupert, ex- tremely garnetiferous schists and gneisses have been reported (Area 1, Figure 10, Open File 1988-26). These garnet-bearing rocks are com- prised of Permian (?) and/or older metasediments and granatoid gneisses which are related to the Central Gneiss Complex.
The biotite-garnet schists and biotite-garnet gneisses host euhedral garnets which range from 0.25 to 2.0 centimetres in length and locally, comprise from 10 to 15 per cent of the rocks. Biotite- garnet schists along the shores of Douglas Channel often contain up to 50 per cent garnet (Padgham, 1958).
Along this ridgecrest on the north side of Douglas Channel, biotite-garnet schists and biotite-garnet gneisses host up to 15 per cent coarse euhedral garnet crystals ranging up to 2.0 centimetres diameter. Padgham (1958) reports zones of garnet-biotite schist along the shores of Douglas Channel containing up to 50 per cent garnet.