A 180 metre thick steeply dipping bed of limestone striking 130 to 140 degrees outcrops on Lot 2224 on the north coast of Banks Island, 12 kilometres northwest of Keecha Point. The limestone lies within quartz diorite of the Coast Plutonic Complex. It contains interbeds of schist that become numerous towards the edges of the deposit.
The bed consists of erratically intermingled white high calcium limestone and dolomite. The dolomite occurs as thin beds to large lenses that become more frequent near the margins of the bed. A chip sample taken across 30 metres of high calcium limestone contained 54.56% CaO, 0.72% MgO, 0.24% SiO2, 0.18% Al2O3, 0.07% Fe2O3 and nil sulphur, while a sample across a 9 metre thick dolomite lens assayed 31.84% CaO, 20.77% MgO, 0.24% SiO2, 0.08% Al2O3, 0.23% Fe2O3 and a trace of sulphur (Canmet Report 811, p.176, Samples 34 and 34A).