The showing is located about 3.2 kilometres north of Swanson Bay, at an approximate elevation of 183 metres. The showing was owned by J. Plattenberger, of Swanson Bay, prior to the 1920s. Considerable surface work was done on the showings and a 49-metre crosscut adit was driven.
In 1923 the showing was restaked by E.H. Crawford as the Millbank Group, consisting of the Millbank, Clawhammer, Pie, Golden Ore, Big Slide, and Slide Two claims. During 1924 the crosscut was extended to a length of about 122 metres, cutting the vein at a depth of 94.5 metres below the surface. The Summit claim was staked, possibly covering in part the Big Slide and Slide Two claims.
An auriferous pyritic quartz vein, 1.8 to 3.6 metres wide and traceable for 300 metres, occurs in sericite schist. The vein strikes 170 degrees and dips 54 degrees northeast.