The showings are situated opposite Butedale on the south side of Butedale Bay, off Fraser Reach, about 144 kilometres south of Prince Rupert.
This property consisted of the Bute and Bute No. 2 claims, owned in 1930 by A. Land and G. Knutson of Butedale.
In an open cut made in 1930, about 4.5 metres above high-tide mark, a width of about 0.6 metre of rock well mineralized with chalcopyrite was exposed. No tracing back from the shore was done.
Veinlets and patches of chalcopyrite and pyrite with minor molybdenite and scheelite occur in slightly sheared hornblende gneissic bands in granodiorite of the Coast Plutonic Complex. The bands strike north and dip 75 degrees east and are altered to epidote, garnet, and quartz. Mineralized widths are about 0.6 metre with estimates of up to 7 per cent copper over 0.3 metre.