Quartz diorite of the Coast Plutonic Complex contains zones of diopside-garnet-quartz skarn with small lenses of disseminated chalcopyrite, bornite, chalcocite and covellite. Showings occur in a northwest trending, northeast-dipping structure over a 1000-metre length. A 7.6 centimetre sample of a lens assayed 0.28 per cent copper, trace gold and trace silver (Sevensma, 1971).
The property was first staked in 1900 as the Copper Cliff Group, and was owned by Gribbell Island Copper Company. During that year development included three open cuts, each accompanied by short adits. Between then and 1905, several more adits were driven, including one 108 metres in length, and more shallow pits, open cuts and two shallow prospect shafts. Eight Crown Grants were issued to Gribbell Island Copper Company on the Copper Cliff Group in June 1910.
Phelps Dodge Corporation of Canada did some further work 1964. The property was then restaked as the Ken 1-12. In 1970 Balfour Mining Limited acquired the rights and conducted exploration until 1973, including geochemical surveying, trenching, and some diamond drilling.