The Decaire lead-zinc prospect is located 1.5 kilometres north of Douglas Channel and 6 kilometres northeast of Kitkiata Inlet. The occurrence crops out on the north side of the north fork of Koskeesh Creek at an elevation of 170 metres. This showing is a quartz vein which hosts minor cross-fractures of sphalerite, pyrite and minor galena. The quartz vein ranges from 2 to 4 metres wide over a 20 metre strike length, but the fracture-controlled sulphide mineralization is described as “very sparse” (BCMMAR, 1930, p.66). Two small prospecting pits were blasted in 1929. Early descriptions note that the quartz vein is hosted by silicified, foliated granite where the latter is cut by a lamprophyre dike, but Gareau (1997) shows the occurrence within an area of extensive metasedimentary rocks. This showing was not examined in the field.