A metasedimentary unit of interbedded marble and metapelite, striking 160 degrees for 2.5 kilometres and having a 700 metre width is bounded to the west by quartz monzonite and granodiorite of the Juro-Cretaceous Coast Plutonic Complex. Northwest trending dykes and sills of diorite and quartz diorite occur throughout the meta- sediments. Local contact metamorphic and metasomatic effects include skarn in calcareous units and hornblende and biotite horn- fels in more pelitic units.
A rusty molybdenite and pyrite-bearing garnet actinolite skarn occurs within marble in contact with granodiorite. The unit is at least 8 metres wide and undeterminable strike length. A grab sample assayed 0.017 per cent molybdenum and minor tungsten (Assessment Report 14312).