A northwest trending Permian (?) or older metasedimentary sequence of rocks are flanked by Tertiary-Cretaceous Coast Plutonic Complex. The metasediments, which consist of pyrite-rich argill- aceous quartzite, massive marble, skarn, calc-silicate and siltstone, strike at least 1.5 kilometres and are up to 150 metres wide. They are in contact with biotite quartz monzonite to the east and horn- blende quartz diorite to the west.
A 1.0 metre wide, rusty garnet-actinolite skarn occurs at the marble quartz diorite contact. It contains disseminated pyrite, chalcopyrite, bornite, and sphalerite. A rock sample assayed 0.035 per cent copper, trace lead, 0.003 per cent zinc, 0.6 grams per tonne silver and 0.005 grams per tonne gold (Assessent Report 13958).