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File Created: 25-Jul-1986 by Larry Jones (LDJ)
Last Edit:  28-Dec-1988 by Jonathan N. Rouse (JNR)

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Name LEWIS ISLAND Mining Division Skeena
BCGS Map 103G099
Status Showing NTS Map 103G16E
Latitude 053º 59' 49'' UTM 09 (NAD 83)
Longitude 130º 14' 06'' Northing 5983888
Easting 419042
Commodities Limestone, Silica Deposit Types R09 : Limestone
R07 : Silica sandstone
Tectonic Belt Coast Crystalline Terrane Alexander
Capsule Geology

Lewis Island is underlain mainly by Lower Mesozoic greenstone, and chlorite schist with minor limestone and impure layered quartzite.

White, coarse-grained calcium limestone forms a series of lenticular masses, 9 to 15 metres thick, separated by schist. Analysis of a sample gave 94.61 per cent CaCO3, 2.52 per cent SiO2, 0.42 per cent Fe2O3, 0.39 per cent Al2O3, 0.36 per cent MgCO3, and 0.02 per cent Ca3(PO4)2 - (Pub. 811, 1944).

GSC MAP 23-1970
GSC P 66-33; 70-41
CANMET RPT *811, Part V, 1944, p. 174