EMPR EXPL 1979-243; 1980-372; 1981-41,245
EMPR FIELDWORK 1997, pp. 19-1-19-14
EMPR PF (unknown (unknown): Interpretation Notes - Buckhorn, J.M.T. Services Corp. (unknown): Geology - Buckhorn Gold Prospect, unknown (1977-09-26): Buckhorn Au Property, D. Arscott (1977-09-27): Re: Buckhorn Property - M466, S.S. Christie (1977-11-24): Report on Geology, Geochemistry and Economic Potential - The Buckhorn Gold Prospect, unknown (1977-12-02): Interpretation Sketch Map - Buckhorn, D.A. (1977-12-02): Interpretation Sketch Map - Buckhorn, Chevron Standard Limited (1979-01-01): Claim Map - Queen Charlotte Gold, Chevron Standard Limited (1979-01-01): Map - Hg (ppb) - Queen Charlotte Gold - M466, Chevron Standard Limited (1979-01-01): Map - As (ppm) - Queen Charlotte Gold - M466, Chevron Standard Limited (1979-01-01): Map - Lineaments - Queen Charlotte Gold - M66, Chevron Standard Limited (1979-01-01): Map - Geochemistry - Queen Charlotte Gold - M466, Chevron Standard Ltd. (1979-09-01): Sketch percussion Program - Buckhorn - M482, unknown (1980-01-01): Detail Mapping - Buckhorn Claims , H. Johnson (1980-09-01): Field Notes - Buckhorn, Chevron Standard Ltd. (1980-01-01): Shoreline Rock Sampling Log and Geochemical Lab Report - Buckhorn M482, Chevron Standard Ltd. (1980-01-01): Map Collection - Buckhorn, D.A. (1980-09-01): Shoreline Detail Sketch Map - Buckhorn, Chevron Standard Ltd. (1980-09-01): Geochemistry - Au and As - Buckhorn Claims - West Side, Chevron Standard Ltd. (1980-09-01): Geochemistry - Au and As - Buckhorn Claims - West Side - Figure 5, Chevron Standard Ltd. (1980-09-01): Geochemistry - Au and As - Buckhorn Claims - West Side - Figure 5b, Chevron Standard Ltd. (1980-09-01): Geochemistry - Au and As - Buckhorn Claims - West Side - Figure 5, Chevron Standard Ltd. (1980-09-01): Location and Profile Maps - Buckhorn, Chevron Standard Ltd. (1980-09-20): Field Sample Notes - Buckhorn, *D. Arscott (1980-10-01): Field Program - September 1980 - Buckhorn M482, D. Arscott (1981-05-27): Field Notes - Buckhorn, J.M. (1981-06-26): Traverse and Sample Map - B-PF-1 to B-PF-6 - Buckhorn, unknown (1981-06-26): Sketch Maps - Buckhorn, Chevron Standard Ltd. (1981-08-10): Certificates of Geochemical Analysis - 1981 - Chevron Standard Ltd. - Buckhorn Data - M482, unknown (1981-08-19): Traverse and Sample Map - Buckhorn, D. Hodge (1981-08-19): Traverse and Sample Map - B-PF-10 to B-PF-12 - Buckhorn, Chevron Canada Resources Limited (1981-12-01): Map - Geochemistry - Buckhorn Property, Chevron Canada Resources Limited (1981-12-01): Map - Sample Location - Buckhorn Property, Chevron Canada Resources Limited (1981-12-01): Map - Geology - Buckhorn Property, Chevron Canada Resources Limited (1981-12-01): Map - Geology - Buckhorn Claims (West Side), Chevron Standard Limited (1982-01-01): Presentation: Queen Charlotte Gold - Project: M-466
GSC P 86-20; 88-1E; 89-1H, pp. 117-120; 90-10, pp. 465-487