The Orca showing is located on the western side of Botany Inlet on Moresby Island, roughly six kilometres ESE of Tasu. The showing was discovered in 2003 and resulted in the OG 1 through 9 claims being staked. In 2004-2006, Taso Glocal completed various exploration programs of rock and stream sediament geochemical surveys. In 2009, a program of hand trenching, mapping and channel sampling was completed.
The area is underlain by the Jurassic-Triassic Kunga Group and the Upper Triassic Karmutsen Formation of the Vancouver Group which have been intruded by feldspar porphyry dikes.
Locally, brecciated and rehealed, milky white, epithermal (or transitional to mesothermal) quartz veins and veinlets up to 30 centimetres wide intrude intermediate to
mafic andesitic composition dykes emplaced along a fault zone striking approximately 350 degress and dipping approximately vertically. The country rock comprises San Christoval
quartz diorite.
Mineralization consists of a quartz, pyrite, arsenopyrite veins containing visible gold hosted in basalts of the Karmutsen Formation.
In 2003, hand stripping exposed the vein over twenty metres and nine grab samples returned grades of up to 37.6 grams per tonne silver and 175.03 grams per tonne gold (Property File - Mountain Geoscience Inc. (2004): Report - Botany Inlet Gold).
In 2009, hand trenching extended the vein to the north and south, to a lengh of 40.0 metres. Forty channel samples taken from the zone returend results ranging from 0.18 gram per tonne gold across 1.09 metres of andesite to 744.14 grams per tonne gold across 9 centimetres of quartz vein material (Assessment Report 31333).