The Danny property is located on the east shore of Price Island approximately 20 kilometres south-southwest of the community of Klemtu. The two main molybdenite showings are on the beach and are covered or surrounded by the sea at high tide.
The regional map shows that most of the Danny claim is underlain by gneissic diorite of the Coast Plutonic Complex, which contain inclusions of metasedimentary rocks and amphibolitic dikes. These rocks are intruded in the north part of the claim block by Late Tertiary syenite.
Two skarn zones are developed over an aerial extent of several hundred square feet around the showings. The skarn is dark green to medium brown on weathered surface. It is very calcareous to pure calcite in part with quartz stringers and chert nodules as en echelon inclusions. The whole area appears to have been affected by thrusting from the east.
Molybdenite occurs as blebs and rosettes to two centimetres in diameter and as continuous streaks to twenty centimetres in length. These mineralized streaks have a preferred orientation of 070 degrees. The host is white, aphanitic quartz. Two showings exist. The primary one displays molybdenite mineralization in a quartz vein or bed having dimension of one by three metres. The mineralization cuts across the layering at right angles to the strike. The showing proper is in an outcrop about seven by three metres in size. Footwall rocks are skarn and very basic chloritized and epidotized dike rocks, while hanging wall rocks are granitic.
The second showing is about 15 metres away from the first. It contains blebs of molybdenite in a quartz vein system in the skarn. Pyrite and marcasite occur in the area but are not associated with the molybdenite.
The showings were first discovered by a trapper in the 1930s. In the 1950s a fisher noted that crabs caught in the area had black shells, searched for the cause, and found the showings again. Four claims were located in 1980 by M.S. Elson to cover the main showing. They were sold to V.L. Paulger and Associates in March 1981. Mr Paulger had twenty additional claim units located in March 1981, and then turned the claims over to Brinks Energy Corporation. That same year Brinks Energy Corporation established an 8 kilometre grid over the property and conducted a geochemical sampling program. Several weakly anomalous zones having a northeast orientation were indicated by the results. Sampling of the showing returned up to 1.714 per cent MoS2 from the main showing and 0.43 per cent MoS2 from the second showing (Assessment Report 10646).