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File Created: 19-Jun-2023 by Larry Jones (LDJ)
Last Edit:  19-Jun-2023 by Larry Jones (LDJ)

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Name RAR 5, XENO Mining Division Liard
BCGS Map 094L073
Status Showing NTS Map 094L12E
Latitude 058º 42' 39'' UTM 09 (NAD 83)
Longitude 127º 30' 38'' Northing 6508820
Easting 586283
Commodities Rare Earths, Yttrium Deposit Types
Tectonic Belt Omineca Terrane Cassiar
Capsule Geology

The RAR 5 showing is part of the Xeno property, 20 kilometres west of the Kechika River.

The mineralization is hosted by an alkalic intrusive-extrusive igneous complex in the tuff-chert-limestone unit. This complex forms a west-northwest–trending belt of probably cogenetic syenites, trachytic volcanics, carbonatites and diatremes that has been mapped for at least 20 kilometres. The belt ranges in surface width from a few hundred metres to a few kilometres.

Mineralization occurs as carbonate-fluorite veining within an alkaline intrusive-extrusive complex.

In 2010, Paget Minerals Corp. acquired the property from Pembrook Mining Corp. and optioned it to Seymour Ventures Corp.

In 2011, Rare Earth Industries Ltd. (previously Seymour Ventures Corp.) completed rock sampling on the property. Highlights include sample L651972, which assayed 0.9437 weight per cent total rare earth oxides plus yttrium (Assessment Report 32772).

For more information about the property history and regional geology, see RAR 7 (MINFILE 094L 017).

Note: This occurrence was initially entered as 092L 442, and was changed to 094L 048 in June 2023.

EMPR ASS RPT 15220, 16420, 18538, 20229, 20895, 22746, *26853, *32772, 33399
GSC MAP 42-1962; 1712A; 1713A