The C-97-D well / Trutch Sulphur showing is located 5 kilometres west of the Alaska Highway, approximately 105 kilometres south of Fort Nelson and 30 kilometres south of the community of Prophet River.
The Trutch Sulphur showings are situated on dominantly lower Cretaceous silty marine mudstones of the Buckinghorse Formation (GSC Bulletin 328). Regional structures are characterized by north-northwest–trending box folds with wavelengths of a few kilometres (Lane et al. 1998).
Native sulphur was encountered in a petroleum exploration well (C-97-D). The well was drilled in a succession of evaporites, reefal carbonates and thin clastic beds of the Middle Devonian Elk Point Group. Significant sulphur was intersected in the Elk Point evaporites. A drillstem test at 3200 to 3262 metres depth recovered 9.1 metres of muddy sulphur and 27.4 metres of native sulphur. Drilling samples from 3234 metres to 3271 metres consisted of dolomite and minor anhydrite together with sulphur in quantities ranging from trace to substantial.