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File Created: 10-Feb-1988 by Steve B. Butrenchuk (SBB)
Last Edit:  25-Mar-1992 by William H. Halleran (WHH)

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Name RICHARDS CREEK Mining Division Liard
BCGS Map 094G062
Status Showing NTS Map 094G12E
Latitude 057º 37' 29'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 123º 40' 05'' Northing 6387127
Easting 460100
Commodities Phosphate Deposit Types F07 : Upwelling-type phosphate
Tectonic Belt Foreland Terrane Ancestral North America
Capsule Geology

The area of the Richards Creek showing is underlain by Triassic Toad River Formation carbonaceous and calcareous siltstone and shales unconformably overlying Permian Fantasque Formation strata. A thick phosphatic interval is exposed along a south flowing tributary of Richards Creek within the middle strata of the Toad River Formation. Phosphate-bearing rocks occur over a 290 metre stratigraphic interval. Phosphate nodules occur in several beds over an interval of 220 metres. Nodular phosphate is the dominant form with nodules comprising 5 to 40 per cent in beds which they occur. These nodules are typically black, ovoid to spherical and vary in diameter from 1 to 3 centimetres. Thin beds of pelletal phosphate are also present in the middle portion of the phosphatic sequence. The pellets occur in a carbonate-rich matrix, with 10 to 20 per cent of the pellets containing either a quartz or carbonate core.

EMPR FIELDWORK, *1987, pp. 396-410
Butrenchuk, S.B. (1988-1989): *Phosphates in British Columbia, EMPR Paper (in press).
GSC P 63-33
GSC OF 606