The Rust occurrence is located on an east-west–trending ridge between Keily and Richards creeks and approximately 20 kilometres north of the northwest end of Redfern Lake.
Regionally, the area is underlain by Lower to Middle Devonian Stone Formation dolomites, which are thrust over by Devonian to Carboniferous Besa River Formation shales to the northeast and Middle Devonian Dunedin Formation limestone to the southeast.
Locally, disseminated galena occurs in vuggy grey dolomite of the Stone Formation. This weathering-resistant dolomite forms a high, east-trending ridge, just south of Richards Creek. A sample (TL-3) of limonitic crust with iron stalagmites and botryoidal formations, taken east of the plotted location of the Rust occurrence, assayed 0.35 per cent zinc (Assessment Report 4484).
Work History
In 1973, Aquitaine Company of Canada Ltd. completed a program of geological mapping and geochemical (rock, silt and soil) sampling on the area as the Rust claims.