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File Created: 14-Dec-2020 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)
Last Edit:  21-Dec-2020 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)

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Name MILK CREEK, SILVER RIDGE, PIL 10 Mining Division Omineca
BCGS Map 094E036
Status Showing NTS Map 094E07W
Latitude 057º 20' 50'' UTM 09 (NAD 83)
Longitude 126º 59' 04'' Northing 6357835
Easting 621288
Commodities Gold, Silver, Lead, Zinc, Copper, Tungsten Deposit Types L04 : Porphyry Cu +/- Mo +/- Au
H05 : Epithermal Au-Ag: low sulphidation
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Stikine, Plutonic Rocks
Capsule Geology

The Milk Creek (Silver Ridge) occurrence is located at an elevation of approximately 1650 metres on a north-trending ridge, approximately 6.5 kilometres south of the west end of Toodoggone Lake.

The area is underlain by quartz monzonite of the early Jurassic Black Lake Intrusive Suite that is in contact with Lower Jurassic andesites of the Toodoggone Formation (Hazelton Group) to the west and undivided Lower to Middle Jurassic sediments and volcanics of the Hazelton Group on the east.

Locally, trenching has identified a fractured to sheared, silicified, pyritized, sericitized and potassium-feldspar–altered quartz diorite and monzonite to syenite hosting quartz-magnetite veins containing anomalous gold and silver values.

In 2002, chip sampling of trenches yielded 0.523 gram per tonne gold over 10.0 metres, including 1.120 grams per tonne gold over 2.0 metres in trench A and 0.269 gram per tonne gold over 9.0 metres in trench D (Assessment Report 27055).

In 2004, a drillhole (PN-04-03) yielded 0.038 per cent copper, 0.033 per cent zinc, 0.056 per cent tungsten and 11.5 grams per tonne silver over 9.15 metres, whereas another drillhole (PN-04-02), located approximately 650 metres to east yielded 0.399 gram per tonne gold and 0.418 per cent copper over 1.75 metres (Assessment Report 27602).

Another zone of mineralization, located approximately 450 metres to the southwest in the headwaters of Milk Creek, comprises a propylitically altered and silicified monzonite with vertically dipping and 305- to 325–degree–trending shears hosting disseminated pyrite and quartz-barite veinlets with variable amounts of sphalerite, galena, chalcopyrite, chalcocite, pyrite and rare pyrrhotite.

In 2002, trench E yielded 0.368 per cent zinc over 6.0 metres (Assessment Report 27055).

In 2003, a 2.5-metre chip sample (WG-PN-03-009) assayed 0.104 gram per tonne gold, 2.6 grams per tonne silver, 0.152 per cent lead and 0.221 per cent zinc (Assessment Report 27310).

Work History

The area has been explored in conjunction with the NW (MINFILE 094E 007), Silver Ridge North (MINFILE 094E 309) and Pil South (MINFILE 094E 310) occurrences and a complete exploration history can be found there.

EMPR EXPL 1975-E163-E167; 1976-E175-E177; 1977-E216-E217; 1978-E244-E246; 1979-265-267; 1980-421-436; 1982-330-345; 1983-475-488; 1984-348-357; 1985-C349-C362; 1986-C388-C414; 1987-C328-C346; 1988-C185-C194; 2002-18; 2003-
21-22; 2004-43; 2005-44-45; 2006-61,64; 2007-45
EMPR FIELDWORK 1980, pp. 124-129; 1981, pp. 122-129, 135-141; 1982, pp. 125-127; 1983, pp. 137-138, 142-148; 1984, pp. 139-145, 291-293; 1985, pp. 299-300; 1986, pp. 167-174; 1987, pp. 111, 114-115; 1989, pp. 409-415; 1991, pp. 207-216
EMPR GEM 1969-103; 1971-63-71; 1973-456-463
EMPR GEOLOGY 1977-1981, pp. 156-161
EMPR MAP 61 (1985); 65 (1989)
EMPR OF 2004-4
GSC OF 306; 483
GSC P 76-1A, pp. 87-90; 80-1A, pp. 27-32; 80-1B, pp. 207-211
GSC MAP 14-1973