The Urn occurrence is located along the western flank of Mount Finlay, between the Finlay River and Cutoff Creek and approximately 222 kilometres northwest of the community of Germansen Landing.
The area is underlain by a sequence of Lower Cambrian Atan Group sediments comprising a thick sequence of phyllitic limestone, shale, shaley limestone, dolomite, siltstone, sandstone, phyllites, and pure and impure quartzite. Feldspar porphyry dikes follow late normal faulting in the area (Assessment Report 10202).
In the area of the Urn showing, quartz-carbonate veins plus/minus sphalerite were found to be abundant within a resistant massive limestone horizon. Several were evident with malachite, azurite and hydrozincite staining. One vein has a thickness of greater than 2 metres. Stringer-type mineralization within the limestone may be an indication of stratiform mineralization below or adjacent to this zone (Assessment Report 10202).
The best assay from rock samples collected in 1981 was sample T-7 which yielded 0.185 per cent copper. Most samples analyzed greater than 0.25 per cent barium (Assessment Report 10202). In 1982, further rock sampling was conducted and several of these samples analyzed greater than 0.1 per cent copper; sample I-13 yielded 0.36 per cent copper (Assessment Report 10930).
Work History
During 1980 through 1982, Union Miniere Explorations & Mining Corp. Ltd., later UMEX Inc., completed programs of soil and rock sampling on the area as the URN and KEC claims. In 1992, Kennecott Canada Exploration Inc. completed a program of geological mapping and minor geochemical (rock, silt and soil) sampling on the area as the Fin claim.