The Pass2 South is located about 9 kilometres north-northeast of Carruthers Mountain and 22 kilometres north of the Omineca River.
The Pass2 West showing is hosted in Upper Triassic Dewar Formation (Takla Group) rocks consisting of shale, siltstone, chert, greywacke, tuffs, sandstones and argillites. In 1999 and 2000, prospecting and mapping on the Pass 1-3 claims by Phelps Dodge revealed rocks similar to those that host the massive sulphide showing on the Phelps Dodge-owned Carruthers Property (094D 172), 6.5 kilometres to the north. Samples taken near the south (central) border area of the Pass 2 claim, from sulphide-rich shale, yielded elevated copper (up to 0.062 per cent) and silver up to 3 grams per tonne. Also, a 1 to 10 per cent pyrite/pyrrhotite-rich black shale horizon, hosting semi-massive to massive sulphide lenses and pods, (10 centimetres to 2 metres in size), was discovered within a few hundred metres, just south of the Pass 2 border, on the Pass 3 claim. Samples from these massive- sulphide bodies and the host shale, grade between 0.17 per cent to 0.85 per cent copper with up to 1 gram per tonne silver and are anomalous in bismuth, selenium, and tellurium (see samples 75673, 75674, Figure 4; Appendix I, Assessment Report 26094).
See Car (094D 018) for related details and a complete work history of this area.