The Sad Bear occurrence area is underlain by Lower Jurassic Telkwa Formation (Hazelton Group) volcanics. The volcanics in the region are predominantly tuffs, agglomerates and grey to green andesites. Minor porphyritic (plagioclase and/or hornblende) flows and interflow sedimentary rocks are also present. The volcanic rocks are intruded by narrow quartz feldspar porphyry dikes which are 1 to 3 metres wide and strike northeast. The dikes, fine to medium-grained, are possibly related to the Eocene Kastberg Intrusions.
A grab sample (BD96-28) from a quartz-filled breccia zone mineralized with pyrite and minor chalcopyrite assayed 2.26 per cent copper, 0.17 per cent lead, 0.47 gram per tonne gold, and 179.7 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 24882, Figures 5a, b and c).
Refer to Bearnx (094D 003) for related geological information and a common work history.